Saturday, October 8, 2011

about a girl

i know for a fact that no one will be reading this and yet im still writing. im writing about how life basically sux. to me it seems like its everyone eltses faults but i still know deep down inside its only me. im going to blame everyone though so i guess it really doesnt matter. this post is about a girl.... a most wonderful girl who basically broke my heart. but not entirely. i met her first day of college and fell for her. i went head over heels. we danced and laughed and had so much fun. the one thing i forgot to do, or more like was too afraid to do, was kiss her. after about two weeks she started to distance herself from me. she'd always have an excuse to get away from me and i have no idea why. im still to afraid to ask her why. maybe i will some day. i'll probably post something about it on here but once again no ones going to read this so why does it matter. so long and farewell..

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